An Act to Amend An Act to Amend the Insurance Act
Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of New Brunswick, enacts as follows:
1 Section 2 of An Act to Amend the Insurance Act, chapter 36 of the Acts of New Brunswick, 2004, is amended by repealing subsection 19.8(1), as enacted by section 2, and substituting the following:
19.8(1) A person who is a party to a hearing, or who is authorized to appear before the Board at a hearing, may appeal an order or decision of the Board to The Court of Appeal of New Brunswick on any question of law or of jurisdiction.
Section 1
The existing provision is as follows:
19.8(1) A person who is a party to a hearing, or who is authorized to appear before the Board at a hearing, may appeal an order or decision of the Board to The Court of Appeal of New Brunswick.