An Act to Amend the Residential Property Tax Relief Act
Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of New Brunswick, enacts as follows:
1 Section 1 of the Residential Property Tax Relief Act, chapter R-10 of the Revised Statutes, 1973, is amended
(a)  in the definition “credit” by striking out “section 2” and substituting “section 2 or 2.1;
(b)  by adding the following definitions in alphabetical order:
“common interest” means a common interest as defined in the Condominium Property Act; (quote-part)
“condominium corporation” means a corporation as defined in the Condominium Property Act; (association condominiale)
“condominium unit” means a unit as defined in the Condominium Property Act; (partie privative d’un condominium)
2 Section 2 of the Act is amended by adding after subsection (9) the following:
2(10) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, no person is entitled under this section to a credit against taxes owing in respect of real property or to a rebate of taxes paid in respect of real property for a year that is after 2007.
3 The Act is amended by adding after section 2 the following:
2.1(1) A person in whose name real property is assessed shall be credited by the Minister of Finance against taxes owing in respect of that real property for the year 2008 or any succeeding year a prescribed amount if on January 1, 2008, or on the first day of January in any such succeeding year,
(a)  the person maintains his or her principal residence or a principal residence for his or her spouse or children on the real property and is a resident of New Brunswick, or
(b)  the person maintains a principal residence for his or her spouse or children on the real property and the spouse or children are residents of New Brunswick.
2.1(2) A person in whose name real property is assessed on January 1, 2008, or on the first day of January in any succeeding year, shall be deemed for the purposes of subsection (1) to have maintained his or her principal residence on the real property for the year 2008 or any succeeding year if that person
(a)  maintains his or her residence on the real property for at least 183 days during the year, and
(b)  is not otherwise entitled under subsection (1) to a credit against taxes owing in respect of real property for that year.
2.1(3) A person in whose name real property is assessed shall be credited by the Minister of Finance against taxes owing in respect of that real property for the year 2008 or any succeeding year a prescribed amount if the real property
(a)  is to be used as only one residence, whether or not it is completed, and
(b)  has not been occupied by that person or any other person or has not been leased.
2.1(4) Subject to subsection (6), where, on or after January 1, 2008, a condominium corporation is created in relation to real property, the person in whose name the real property is assessed is entitled, for the period referred to in subsection (5), to a credit against taxes owing or, if taxes have been paid, to a rebate of the taxes paid in respect of that portion of the real property
(a)  that has not been occupied by that person or any other person or has not been leased, and
(b)  that consists of
(i) condominium units, each of which is to be used as only one residence, and
(ii) the common interests appurtenant to those condominium units.
2.1(5) For the purposes of subsection (4), the period for which the person referred to in that subsection is entitled to a credit or rebate of taxes is as follows:
(a)  the year during which the condominium corporation is created, and
(b)  the year or years before the year referred to in paragraph (a) during which the real property was under construction, to a maximum of 3 years immediately before the year in which the condominium corporation is created.
2.1(6) Notwithstanding paragraph (5)(b), no person is entitled under subsection (4) to a credit against taxes owing or to a rebate of taxes paid in respect of real property or any portion of real property for a year that is before 2008.
2.1(7) A person who, on or after January 1, 1983, becomes the owner of real property on which he or she establishes or subsequently establishes, in the year 2008 or any succeeding year, his or her principal residence or a principal residence for his or her spouse or children, is, if the person is a resident of New Brunswick at the time of the establishing of the principal residence for himself or herself or for his or her spouse or children and notwithstanding that he or she has received a credit against taxes owing for that year in respect of other real property on which he or she no longer maintains a residence for himself or herself or his or her spouse or children, entitled to a credit against taxes owing in respect of that real property for the year in which he or she establishes his or her principal residence or a principal residence for his or her spouse or children, or, if the taxes have been paid, to a rebate of such taxes, in an amount equal to
(a)  the amount that would have been credited in respect of that property for the year if a credit had been authorized under subsection (1), less
(b)  the amount realized by multiplying the amount referred to in paragraph (a) by the fraction that results from dividing the number of days in that year into the greater of
(i) the number of days that expired prior to the date on which the principal residence was first established by the person for himself or herself or for his or her spouse or children on that real property, or, if such residence was maintained by the person prior to the person becoming owner of the real property, the date on which the person became the owner, and
(ii) the number of days that expired prior to the date on which the person ceased to maintain a residence for himself or herself or for his or her spouse or children on any other real property in respect of which the person received a credit against taxes owing for that year.
2.1(8) Where real property is assessed jointly in the names of more than one person, and one of the persons in whose names the real property is assessed would be entitled to a credit or rebate under subsection (1), (3) or (4) if the real property had been assessed in his or her name alone, the credit or rebate shall be applied in respect of that real property notwithstanding that the other persons in whose name the real property is assessed do not qualify for the credit or rebate.
2.1(9) Where, in respect of the same real property, separate assessments are made in the names of more than one person, and one of the persons in whose names the real property is assessed would be entitled to a credit or rebate under subsection (1), (3) or (4) if the real property had been assessed in his or her name alone, that person is entitled to a credit or rebate but only in respect of the amount of the assessment in his or her name.
2.1(10) Where real property is assessed in the name of an estate and is occupied by a beneficiary of that estate who is a resident of New Brunswick under circumstances that
(a)  do not make the beneficiary a tenant, and
(b)  would entitle the beneficiary to a credit or rebate under subsection (1), (3) or (4) had the real property been assessed in the name of the beneficiary,
the credit or rebate shall be applied in respect of the obligation of the estate to pay taxes on the real property.
2.1(11) Where a person who is entitled to a credit under subsection (1), (7) or (12) uses any portion of the real property for any industry, trade, business, profession or vocation or under lease or agreement allows any other person to so use any portion of the real property, that person is entitled to a credit in respect only of the portion of the real property that is used as his or her principal residence or the principal residence of his or her spouse or children.
2.1(12) Where a person in whose name real property is assessed maintains on January 1, 2008, or on the first day of January in any succeeding year, his or her principal residence or a principal residence for his or her spouse or children on the real property, and the real property contains two or more residences including his or her own or that of his or her spouse or children, regardless of whether on that date the other residence or residences are occupied, that person is entitled to a credit in respect only of that portion of the real property that is used as his or her principal residence or the principal residence of his or her spouse or children.
2.1(13) Where under an agreement of purchase and sale, a person who maintained his or her principal residence on real property assessed in the name of another person or who maintained a principal residence for his or her spouse or children on that real property becomes the owner of that real property, that person is entitled under this Act to a credit against taxes owing on that real property, or if the taxes have been paid, to a rebate of those taxes, for the period determined under subsection (14), as if that person had been the owner during that period, if
(a)  the person was required, under the agreement of purchase and sale, to purchase the real property within 3 years after the date the agreement was executed,
(b)  the person maintained his or her principal residence on the real property or maintained on the real property a principal residence for his or her spouse or children after the date the agreement of purchase and sale was executed,
(c)  the agreement of purchase and sale was registered within 90 days after it was executed
(i) in the registry office for the county in which the real property lies, or
(ii) in the land titles office for the land registration district in which the real property lies,
(d)  the person became the owner of the real property in accordance with the agreement of purchase and sale,
(e)  no other person was entitled to a credit against taxes owing in respect of the real property or to a rebate of such taxes for that period, and
(f)  the person was a resident of New Brunswick during that period.
2.1(14) For the purposes of subsection (13), the period for which a person is entitled to a credit or a rebate of taxes is as follows:
(a)  in respect of the year in which the person becomes the owner of the real property under the agreement of purchase and sale, the portion of that year, immediately before he or she became the owner, during which the person maintained his or her principal residence on the real property or maintained on that real property a principal residence for his or her spouse or children; and
(b)  in respect of any year or years before the year referred to in paragraph (a), to a maximum of 3 years immediately before the person became the owner of the real property, the portion of that year or those years after the date the agreement of purchase and sale was executed during which the person maintained his or her principal residence on the real property or maintained on that real property a principal residence for his or her spouse or children.
2.1(15) Notwithstanding subsection (1) or (3), the person in whose name real property is assessed is not entitled to a credit with respect to more than 0.5 hectare of real property on which a residence is maintained.
Principal residence and New Brunswick residency
2.2(1) For the purposes of section 2.1, a person or the spouse or children of a person shall not have more than one principal residence at a time.
2.2(2) For the purposes of section 2.1, the Administrator shall, subject to subsection (1), determine, with respect to any period,
(a)  whether any residence of a person was his or her principal residence during that period,
(b)  whether any residence of a person’s spouse or children was the spouse’s or children’s principal residence during that period,
(c)  whether a person was a resident of New Brunswick during that period, and
(d)  whether the spouse or children of a person were residents of New Brunswick during that period.
2.2(3) In making a determination under paragraph (2)(a), the Administrator shall consider the criteria prescribed and any other matter the Administrator considers relevant.
2.2(4) In making a determination under paragraph (2)(b), the Administrator shall consider the criteria prescribed and any other matter the Administrator considers relevant.
2.2(5) The Administrator shall determine, under paragraph (2)(c), that a person was a resident of New Brunswick during any period if the Administrator
(a)  is satisfied, based on information contained in the databases prescribed and any other information that the Administrator considers relevant, that the person resided in New Brunswick during the period, and
(b)  is satisfied that the person did not have a principal residence located outside New Brunswick during the period.
2.2(6) The Administrator shall determine, under paragraph (2)(d), that the spouse or children of a person were residents of New Brunswick during any period if the Administrator
(a)  is satisfied, based on information contained in the databases prescribed and any other information that the Administrator considers relevant, that the spouse or children resided in New Brunswick during the period, and
(b)  is satisfied that the spouse or children did not have a principal residence located outside New Brunswick during the period.
2.2(7) With respect to the period in question, the Administrator shall determine
(a)  for the purposes of paragraph (5)(b), whether any residence located outside New Brunswick was the principal residence of a person, and
(b)  for the purposes of paragraph (6)(b), whether any residence located outside New Brunswick was the principal residence of the spouse or children of a person.
2.2(8) Subsection (3) applies with the necessary modifications to a determination under paragraph (7)(a) and subsection (4) applies with the necessary modifications to a determination under paragraph (7)(b).
4 Section 4 of the Act is repealed and the following is substituted:
4 Notwithstanding section 2 or 2.1 except for a credit under subsection 2(1.1) or (1.2) or subsection 2.1(3), (4) or (7), no person is entitled to receive more than one credit in any year.
5 Section 4.1 of the Act is repealed and the following is substituted:
4.1 Notwithstanding section 2 or 2.1, where two spouses occupy a residence together during all or a portion of any year not more than one credit under subsection 2(1) or 2.1(1) shall be applied for that year in respect of real property owned by either or both of the spouses, and such credit, if any, shall be applied only with respect to the real property on which the principal residence of the spouses is maintained.
6 Paragraph 6(c) of the Act is amended by striking out “subsection 2(7) or (8)” and substituting “subsection 2(7) or (8) or subsection 2.1(11) or (12)”.
7 Section 6.1 of the Act is amended
(a)  in subsection (1) in the portion preceding paragraph (a) by striking out “section 2” and substituting “section 2 or 2.1;
(b)  in subsection (3) by striking out “section 2” and substituting “section 2 or 2.1.
8 Subsection 10(5) of the Act is repealed and the following is substituted:
10(5) The decision of the Director as to
(a)  whether a person is entitled to a credit or an allowance,
(b)  the amount of a credit or an allowance,
(c)  the portion of real property that is used as a residence and the assessment to be placed on that portion, and
(d)  the existence or non-existence of any other matter that is set out in this Act or the regulations as a condition of ineligibility for a credit or an allowance,
is final and may not be questioned or reviewed in any court.
9 Section 11 of the Act is amended
(a)  by renumbering the section as subsection 11(1);
(b)  by adding after subsection (1) the following:
11(2) Without limiting the generality of subsection (1), the Administrator or Director may require the following information from an applicant for the purposes of section 2.1:
(a)  evidence showing that the applicant filed a return of income under the New Brunswick Income Tax Act as a New Brunswick resident;
(b)  information showing that the applicant was employed within New Brunswick during any relevant period;
(c)  information concerning the applicant’s eligibility to vote under the Municipal Elections Act or the Elections Act during any relevant period; and
(d)  any other information that the Administrator or Director considers relevant for the purposes of determining whether any residence was the principal residence of the applicant or his or her spouse or children during any relevant period or whether the applicant or his or her spouse or children were residents of New Brunswick during any relevant period.
10 Section 14 of the Act is amended by adding after paragraph (a) the following:
(a.1)  defining “children” for the purposes of this Act and the regulations;
(a.2)  prescribing criteria for the purposes of subsection 2.2(3) or (4);
(a.3)  prescribing databases for the purposes of paragraph 2.2(5)(a) or (6)(a);
Assessment Act
11 Section 15.3 of the Assessment Act, chapter A-14 of the Revised Statutes, 1973, is amended
(a)  in subsection (8) by striking out “section 2 of the Residential Property Tax Relief Act” and substituting “section 2 or 2.1 of the Residential Property Tax Relief Act;
(b)  in subsection (9) by striking out “section 2 of the Residential Property Tax Relief Act” and substituting “section 2 or 2.1 of the Residential Property Tax Relief Act;
(c)  in subsection (17) by striking out “section 2 of the Residential Property Tax Relief Act” and substituting “section 2 or 2.1 of the Residential Property Tax Relief Act;
(d)  in paragraph (18)(c) by striking out “section 2 of the Residential Property Tax Relief Act” and substituting “section 2 or 2.1 of the Residential Property Tax Relief Act.
Regulation under the Assessment Act
12 Paragraph 2.4(d) of New Brunswick Regulation 84-6 under the Assessment Act is amended by striking out “section 2 of the Residential Property Tax Relief Act” and substituting “section 2 or 2.1 of the Residential Property Tax Relief Act.
Municipalities Act
13(1) Paragraph 87(5)(b) of the Municipalities Act, chapter M-22 of the Revised Statutes, 1973, is amended by striking out “section 2 of the Residential Property Tax Relief Act” and substituting “section 2 or 2.1 of the Residential Property Tax Relief Act.
13(2) Paragraph 190.081(10)(b) of the Act is amended by striking out “section 2 of the Residential Property Tax Relief Act” and substituting “section 2 or 2.1 of the Residential Property Tax Relief Act.
Real Property Tax Act
14 Subsection 5(4) of the Real Property Tax Act, chapter R-2 of the Revised Statutes, 1973, is amended in the portion preceding paragraph (a) by striking out “section 2 of the Residential Property Tax Relief Act” and substituting “section 2 or 2.1 of the Residential Property Tax Relief Act.
The Residential Tenancies Act
15 Section 8.2 of The Residential Tenancies Act, chapter R-10.2 of the Acts of New Brunswick, 1975, is amended
(a)  in subsection (1) by striking out “section 2” and substituting “section 2 or 2.1”;
(b)  in subsection (3) by striking out “section 2 of the Residential Property Tax Relief Act” and substituting “section 2 or 2.1 of the Residential Property Tax Relief Act .
16 This Act shall be deemed to have come into force on January 1, 2008.
Section 1
(a)  Consequential amendment.
(b)  New definitions.
Section 2
New provision.
Section 3
New provisions.
Section 4
The existing provision is as follows:
4 Notwithstanding section 2 except for a credit under subsection 2(1.1) or (1.2), no person is entitled to receive more than one credit in any year.
Section 5
The existing provision is as follows:
4.1 Notwithstanding section 2, where two spouses occupy a residence together during all or a portion of any year not more than one credit under subsection 2(1) shall be applied for that year in respect of real property owned by either or both of the spouses, and such credit, if any, shall be applied only with respect to the real property on which the principal residence of the spouses is maintained.
Section 6
Consequential amendment.
Section 7
(a)  Consequential amendment.
(b)  Consequential amendment.
Section 8
The existing provision is as follows:
10(5) The decision of the Director as to
(a)  whether a person is entitled to a credit or an allowance,
(b)  the amount of a credit or an allowance,
(c)  the portion of real property that is used as a residence and the assessment to be placed on that portion, and
(d)  the existence or non-existence of any other matter that is set out in this Act or the regulations as a condition of ineligibility for a credit or an allowance,
is final.
Section 9
(a)  Consequential amendment.
(b)  New provision.
Section 10
New regulation-making authority.
Section 11
(a)  Consequential amendment.
(b)  Consequential amendment.
(c)  Consequential amendment.
(d)  Consequential amendment.
Section 12
Consequential amendment.
Section 13
1)  Consequential amendment.
2)  Consequential amendment.
Section 14
Consequential amendment.
Section 15
(a)  Consequential amendment.
(b)  Consequential amendment.
Section 16
Commencement provision.
Chapter Outline Update
2 and 3
Strike out subsections 2(1)-(1.2), 2(2), 2(3), 2(4), 2(5), 2(6), 2(7), 2(8), 2(8.1)-(8.3) and 2(9) and substitute the following:
Eligibility for credit2, 2.1