An Act to Provide for the Amalgamation of the Trustees of Certain Presbyterian Churches in Saint John, New Brunswick


WHEREAS pursuant to An Act Respecting Presbyterian Churches in the Province of New Brunswick, chapter 100 of 6 George VI, 1942, there exists a body corporate known as THE TRUSTEES OF ST. MATTHEW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, SAINT JOHN, NEW BRUNSWICK;


AND WHEREAS pursuant to An Act Respecting Presbyterian Churches in the Province of New Brunswick, chapter 100 of 6 George VI, 1942, there exists a body corporate known as THE TRUSTEES OF THE CHURCH OF ST. JOHN AND ST. STEPHEN;


AND WHEREAS the aforementioned bodies corporate wish to amalgamate and continue as one body corporate and have prayed that it be enacted as hereinafter set forth:


THEREFORE Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of New Brunswick, enacts as follows:


1                   The following definitions apply in this Act.


"amalgamated body corporate" means The Trustees of Grace Presbyterian Church, amalgamated under section 2. (corps constitué issu de la fusion)


"amalgamating body corporate" means either THE TRUSTEES OF ST. MATTHEW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, SAINT JOHN, NEW BRUNSWICK or THE TRUSTEES OF THE CHURCH OF ST. JOHN AND ST. STEPHEN, and "amalgamating bodies corporate" means both of them. (corps constitué fusionnant)


2                   THE TRUSTEES OF ST. MATTHEW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, SAINT JOHN, NEW BRUNSWICK and THE TRUSTEES OF THE CHURCH OF ST. JOHN AND ST. STEPHEN are hereby amalgamated and continued as one body corporate under the name "The Trustees of Grace Presbyterian Church".


3                   The amalgamated body corporate possesses all the property, rights, privileges and franchises and is subject to all liabilities, contracts, disabilities and debts of each of the amalgamating bodies corporate.


4                   All gifts, devises, bequests, conveyances or transfers of any real or personal property which have been heretofore made by any person and intended for or for the benefit of either of the amalgamating bodies corporate or the congregations thereof and the property, real and personal, in any such gift, devise, bequest, conveyance or transfer shall on the passing of this Act vest in and become the absolute property of the amalgamated body corporate as if such gift, devise, bequest, conveyance or transfer had been made directly to the amalgamated body corporate.


5                   The head office of the amalgamated body corporate shall be at The City of Saint John in the County of Saint John and Province of New Brunswick, but may be changed to another place in New Brunswick in the manner prescribed by the Companies Act.


6                   The initial trustees of the amalgamated body corporate shall be Laurie Hossack, Eric Daley, Janet Docherty, Bernard Docherty, Jillian Driscoll, Thomas McCauley, Joanne Gunter, James Shaddick, James Thomson and Ian Webster, each of The City of Saint John, in the Province of New Brunswick, Paul Kierstead, of the Town of Grand Bay-Westfield, in the Province of New Brunswick and Neil Hossack, of the Town of Quispamsis, in the Province of New Brunswick.


7(1)              The provisions of An Act Respecting Presbyterian Churches in the Province of New Brunswick shall continue to apply to the amalgamated body corporate, except to the extent inconsistent herewith.


7(2)              The Companies Act shall apply to the amalgamated body corporate, except to the extent inconsistent with this Act or An Act Respecting Presbyterian Churches in the Province of New Brunswick.