The Standing Committee on Procedure, Privileges and Legislative Officers was established through rule changes adopted in March 2015 and combines the Standing Committee on Procedure, the Standing Committee on Privileges, and the Standing Committee on Legislative Officers. Under Standing Rule 92, all Standing Rules and practices of the House, together with any matter referred by the Speaker, stand permanently referred to this Standing Committee.Accordingly, the committee is charged with reviewing and recommending changes to the Standing Rules or other procedures followed in the House.Matters that have been reviewed by the committee in the past have included: the sitting hours of the house; the use of laptop computers in the Chamber; advance budget briefings for Members; consideration of Opposition Members’ Business; Members' statements; and order of routine proceedings. Privilege refers to those rights and immunities enjoyed by the House as a collectivity and by each Member individually, without which Members could not carry out their duties and the House could not fulfill its functions. Under Standing Rule 9(2), the House may, by resolution, refer a matter or question directly concerning the privileges of the House or any Committee or Member to the Standing Committee on Procedure, Privileges and Legislative Officers. Unless otherwise provided by the Standing Rules, all reports to the House of Legislative Officers stand permanently referred to this committee.The committee provides a forum through which the Legislative Officers are accountable to the Legislative Assembly and ensures that their offices function effectively and meet the objectives of their respective Acts.

Committee Membership

Wilcott, Kate
Austin, Kris
  • Austin, Kris

  • Progressive Conservative Party
  • Fredericton-Grand Lake
Bourque, Benoît
Coon, David
Johnson, Margaret
LeBlanc, Jacques
LeBlanc, Marco
Robichaud, Luc
Wilson, Sherry

Recent Meetings