Bills introduced in the Legislative Assembly may be referred to the Standing Committee on Law Amendments for review and input prior to second reading. The Committee may hold public hearings on the subject matter of the bill and may hear from expert witnesses. The Committee will subsequently table a report containing its recommendations. The proposed legislation may be reintroduced in a subsequent session, often reflecting some or all the changes recommended by the Committee. In the past, the Standing Committee on Law Amendments has also had several discussion papers referred to it for review and input.As with Bills, the Committee may hold public hearings on such matters and may hear from expert witnesses.The Committee will report back to the House with its findings and recommendations

Committee Membership

Flemming, Hugh J.A. (Ted)
Allain, Daniel
Carr, Jeff
  • Carr, Jeff

  • Progressive Conservative Party
  • New Maryland - Sunbury
Conroy, Michelle
Coon, David
D'Amours, Jean-Claude
Mallet, Eric
McKee, Robert
Shephard, Dorothy
Wetmore, Ross
  • Wetmore, Ross

  • Progressive Conservative Party
  • Gagetown - Petitcodiac

Recent Meetings

Meeting Date Media
February 23, 2023 Webcast
February 22, 2023 Webcast
May 27, 2022 Webcast
October 5, 2021 Webcast
December 10, 2020 Webcast
September 5, 2019 Webcast
September 4, 2019 Webcast
August 29, 2019 Webcast
August 28, 2019 Webcast
August 27, 2019 Webcast

Recent Documents

There are no recent documents.